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Disability Services in Higher Education
An Insider's Guide

Temple University Press

This volume provides an overview of the responsibilities of a Disabilities Service professional through an examination of relevant literature, laws and regulatory language, case law, and narrative on established practices. It also offers resources that current professionals can modify for use in their day-to-day practice immediately. The authors explore the complexities of accessibility, paying careful attention to the nuances of disability evaluation, accommodation decisions, management of a disability service office, advocating for resources and collaboration within and outside of higher education institutions. 

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Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone
Universal Design for Learning
in Higher Education

West Virginia University Press

“Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone explains how Universal Design for Learning expands ease of access to higher education for all learners. Its aim is to add easy-to-implement UDL strategies to the toolboxes of faculty, staff and disability services professionals with the goal of strengthening the engagement, interaction and performance of all college students. Faculty, faculty developers, disability service professionals and researchers have used Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone as a guide for the work the do day-to-day and for long-term course, departmental and collegiate changes. The book includes real-world case studies, active-learning techniques, UDL coaching skills, micro- and macro-level UDL-Adoption guidance and use-them-now resources.”

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